The Misunderstanding Of The 9/11 Official Narrative

3 months ago

This video was recorded on May 11,2021. If you happen to come across a conversation that entails the events of 9/11, you will probably hear something along the lines of "the 9/11 official narrative is false". However, what IS the "official narrative"? According to many in the 9/11 truth movement, its 4 planes hijacked by 19 religious islamic zealots who hate our freedoms. However, the official narrative purported by the 9/11 Commissions final report is much more than just that, and also much more that wasn't included in the report. You would be surprised at just how many haven't even read the final report to understand that not isnt it all false, its simply, incomplete. if they knew that much, they wouldn't make such a rush to judgement and also understand as to why they didn't include all the information, because it would completely contradict its overall narrative.

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