USA: ICE Arrests Illegal Migrants Released Without Bail After Assault On NYPD At Target!

9 months ago

USA: ICE arrests illegal migrants released without bail after assault on NYPD at Target.

Four illegal aliens who were part of a group arrested and subsequently released following a robbery at a Target store in NYC, an incident during which two police officers were attacked, have been taken into custody by ICE.

Last Wednesday, ICE picked up Venezuelan citizens Michael Jose Sanchez Mayo, 31, Henry Omar Zambrano Zapata, 19, and Yusneibi Yohana Machado Avila, 23, along with Sebastian Jaramillio Balanta, 22,
from Colombia, about a week after the group raided the Upper East Side store.

ICE has also lodged a detainer request for another illegal migrant, Venezuelan Brayan Freites-Macias, 21, who is being held at Rikers jail and was the only member of the five not to be released.

NYC leadership shows time and time again that they don’t give a damn about NYPD!

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