The Silent Revolution - how squeezing silver can save the world

25 days ago

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These are not normal times. That much we can all agree on. The rising cost of living, the out-of-control debt, the open border policy, the lawlessness on our streets, the constant wars, the obsession with issues of race and gender, and all the while - the rampant speculation on Wall Street, are all symptoms of a civilization that has lost its way. It seems as though our leaders have gone crazy, and are deliberately making bad decisions, time and time again. We the people often feel hopeless and demoralized, as though there is nothing we can do to stop this destructive trend. But what if I told you that there is a way to stop this madness, and get everything back on track? What if I told you that you can help make this happen, without participating in any demonstrations, and without running for office? I believe that there’s a simple way to get our countries back, which is completely peaceful and lawful. Heck, in order to participate you won’t even need to get off your couch. And as an added bonus, it can also be extremely profitable. It is called the Silversqueeze.

100 Seconds by Punch Deck |
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Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

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