Al Masada (The Lion's Den), The Early Formation Of Al Qaeda

2 months ago

This video was recorded on November 12,2020. During 1986, Osama Bin Laden sent out two associates Azmaari and Shafiq, on a recommsiance mission into the Jaji region in Khost Afghanistan to find a suitable place for a training camp. When construction finished, the name of the camp would later become rather suitable, Al Masasa (Lion's Den). Here Bin Laden would train a select group of Arabs in military, guerilla warfare. Learning anywhere from AK-47 handling and handling of explosives. This camp would come under the direction of many Egyptian commanders, Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri and Abu Hafs al-Masri (Mohamed Atef).

This group would have profound military success against the Soviet Spetznaz and the Afghan backed communist regime. The rumors began to spread about this small, but organized group of Arabs in Pakistan. By 1989, there would be known by the name, Al Qaeda (The Base). For it's resounding success at Al Masada a base created for a special group of militant Arabs.However in these stages, the groups primary foundation was not in inter-national terrorism, but to become an influence to other Arabs in defending Afghanistan from secular communism.

But when Bin Laden relocated to Sudan, under the manipulative tutelage of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Sayyed Imam al-Sharif (Dr,Fadl) is when the group took a turn to becoming an enemy to the West.

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