A #Kansas View and different perspective of the #Eclipse 04.08.2024--89% coverage??

2 months ago

#Reflections #Matter
#eclipse view(s) and more.

The video description is that for the viewer to discover observe, take in, process and expand upon.

*Much to see in this one short clip taken from raw video footage; only edit is slow motion enabled to 10% of normal recording speed. Keep that in mind with speed of anomalies in slow motion. Camera stationary, full telescopic zoom throughout recording. Recommend frequent pause/start to view multiple changes and appearances, capture change and activity in the #EMF.
(1) question, do you notice movement and propulsion forward towards the camera lens near the beginning of this video. If so, what object is being moved and by what force?
Recommend a double take at 5 o’clock during pulsations...

Media and science narrative were in lock step.
#artemis #moon #nasa #spaceforce #usaf #vatican #cern

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