Too Many Kids Posing On Dining Table For Pictures Cause It To Collapse

6 years ago

Family or social gatherings can be weird spaces where someone, usually mom or grandma, forces everyone to get in a big group and take a picture.

Like most families, this group wanted to get a picture of all the kids together for a birthday party!

If anyone ever esoterically asks you how many kids can fit on a dining table before it breaks, the answer is seven. Or maybe it is six, since the table in this video collapses with seven kids on it. However, the table takes its time collapsing so maybe seven is still the answer. Admittedly, we are writing this in the early morning, so perhaps we are overthinking it just a bit. We are not morning people. Focusing on the table for a moment we think the problem is not actually the total weight of the kids but weight distribution. Bear with us, but it we think the issue is that the table is extendable with the ability to add table leaves to the middle. That portion of the table would probably be structurally weaker.

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