91 Luke 24:36-52 (Ascension)

2 months ago

The Quest of the Fellowship of the King
I. Review/background
II. Narrative
1. Conversation (24:36)
2. Appearance (24:36-38)
3. Demonstration (24:39-43)
4. Instruction (24:44-47)
1 Corinthians 12:1-6
Romans 12:4-7
5. Commission (24:48)
a. A message was to be proclaimed (Repentance for the forgiveness of sin)
b. This message was to be proclaimed to all nations (beginning in Jerusalem)
6. Promise (24:49)
John 14:16-17
John 16:7
7. Ascension (24:50-52)
III. How Should We Then Live?
1. The quest comes from the King (24:47)
2. The quest comes with power (24:49)
a. The Spirit of God (the helper) will be in and with you permanently.
b. The Spirit of God (the helper) will convict those around you.
c. The Spirit of God (the helper) will remind you of Jesus’ words.
d. The Spirit of God (the helper) will manifest in gifts.
3. The quest is for witnesses (24:48)
4. The quest is to be taken as a fellowship (24:44)
5. The quest is to proclaim a message (24:47)
6. The quest ends with the nations (24:47)

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