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Episode 87 - How to use speech to persuade and inform

10 months ago

Today's guest with Patrick Wood is James Roguski. They discuss citizen journalism, the art of persuasion, and using accurate information, leaving fear on the sideline.


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you for fixing yesterday’s post of this interview! It is very interesting and very informative.

  • You are correct...nobody I know wants to know about the coming WHO treaty etc....how do we get thru to them? I'm left bewildered

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  • Our benevolent form of martial law with a pretend adherence to our Constitutions created the best form of governance on the planet for decades. The BAR attorneys and Bankers from London started this greedy, power hungry malevolent governance we have. That dates to before Rothschild that perfected this evil. Had it not turned to malevolent we would have remained like frogs in the pan of water. I did until 2014 and the US Navy determined I was very smart at 18. Not so much anymore. It was thought that the force for the malevolent takeover would come from the military and judiciary. It appears to be coming from the medical adherents to the Josef Mengele School of medicine. On Oregon the fix by the Esquires, many were attorneys, like Frank Benson that corrupted our Oregon Constitution in 1910. When, ARTICLE VII (Amended) was added, unlawfully, to the Constitution. I’m told not all members of the Oregon State Bar know this. The OSB confers the title of nobility, Esquire, to its members. ARTICLE VII (Amended) is the Judiciary clause the judges and attorneys use to defraud the people. It could be that some Sheriffs and police are unaware of this deception. I’m told that some legislators do not know of this fraud upon the people. Many do not even know what a lawful oath and bond of office is. LEOs ask for legal help from attorneys and judges and get mis and dis information. They are the ones that are aware of the misprision of felony and they continue to perpetrate this evil on us after 113 years. Although, we know the fix was in from the time of Lincoln. The powers that be on Oregon from 1860 corrupted our government when they agreed to the fraud of Matthew Deady and his two state authorized books, containing the lie that Amendment XIII the anti title of nobility amendment was not part of our statehood documents. Doctor, Mister, Gentlemen, Sir, Lady, Lord and Esquire are all titles of nobility not just honorifics. But, it is homage to the British royalty and nobility a def

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