JUAN O SAVIN- The AI, DEMONS and TRUE EVIL- PART ONE Tom Numbers 4 13 2024

9 months ago

In PART ONE, Juan shows the Depth of Misery that we are subjected to by many real experiences we are having. Does the Magic align with NASA (Never A Straight Answer) CERN the leader of which is SHIVA.. the Dark Side of Hindu Theology. How does GOD deal with these "artificial beings"? How do WE deal with them? This is a big question that Juan explores in Depth during these three parts that was premiered today. At the end Juan is listening to a broadcast that is about the Drones sent by IRAN over ISRAEL and the beginning of a very serious conflict that we will be dealing with soon.. the attempted destruction of GOD'S PEOPLE in this Country.. the USA.
The Adam and Eve Story is told as an enticement and the culmination that as a MAN Adam endured until he was READY. This kind of sounds like a portion of the MAN that we can see in ALL MEN. The Science the comprehension the Spiritual Maturity that only GOD can teach. And the words of love and honor for a mate that is created out of Adams IMAGE. What we can do here is SEE how the Devils made Women to "play the part" of a Devils Advocate? With the Media and current Liberal mind set from the Sixty's that broke down our culture and drew it so far from the Word of God.

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