Transforming Your Life with Christ

3 months ago

When we give our life to Christ and we start to live the life He has given to us, do we think about the testimony we may have? Do we think it is important to share our testimony? Do we think through our testimony that someone will be encouraged or influenced to find what God has given to us, everlasting life? Sharing our testimony with others is one of the greatest tools outside of the Word of God we have to point to Jesus in all aspect of our lives. Did you know our testimony becomes clearer the closer we walk with God? Our perspective towards God matters to Him and believe it or not, has influence on others.

Our testimony is the beginning of the transformation of our life and is the documented road map allowing people to see our journey of where we have been and where we are going. It is the recognition to the differences in the way we live according to the world's principles compared to living according to the biblical principles as defined in the bible.

Paul warns the Ephesian church along with us that we do not walk in the world as the Gentiles walk. The world is dark, our perspective becomes dark and when we are walking according to the world's standards, we become alienated from God. This alienation comes very quickly and has detrimental effects on our minds, health and souls. What happens is that we become numb to the ugliness in the world so Paul warns that we should not be ignorant or blind, giving our self over to lewdness working all uncleanness with greediness.

Satan will attempt to distort our walk with God through deceit and outright lying not only to ourselves but to others. Our mind gets cluttered with Satan's' lies and deceit. A bi-product of this thinking and behavior is that we lose our ability to feel for others and for ourselves because of the sin in our life. Our sin numbs us to God's reality. Greed drives many behaviors especially when it comes to sexual immorality. We are corrupted in our lusts no matter what age we are and that corruption will linger until we find Christ. Lust is deceitful, it will tell us that we are something, that we are special.

The good news is this, when we hear God and follow what He is telling us, we will find peace? When we have been taught by Him and follow His teachings our outlook on life and the perception we have of God will change dramatically.

If we know Christ, like He wants us to know Him, we will understand that we need to become a new creation in Him. Recognizing that in order to renew our mind we must first need to have a renewed spirit. When the Holy Spirit is in us, we can then start the process of renewing our mind. Staying out of the mix of the world is difficult, but God, it shall be achieved through prayer, faith, fasting, obedience, and staying in the word of God.

My prayer for each one of us is that we would hear God, follow God and then share God. My prayer is that our testimonies would be used to influence others into a better understanding of how God is working in our life. How the Lord influences our life each day, how God will direct our path, will provide for our every need. I prayer that God moves mightily in us and through us showing the world His power, His grace, His mercy and most of all, His love that He has for each one of us. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen! Amen!

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