Cutworm Prevention

2 months ago

Hey there, fellow garden enthusiasts! Ready to tackle those pesky cutworms with a little DIY know-how? So, here's the scoop: I've got this neat solution I'm experimenting with, and word has it that all we need to do is sink our trusty cups about an inch deep into the soil. And guess what? I'm going full eco-friendly by reusing these old cups from when I first planted my seedlings. Waste not, want not, am I right? Anyway, let's give it a whirl and see if we can outsmart those critters. And hey, if it works like a charm, you bet I'll be back with a follow-up video. But hey, here's a little tip from yours truly: sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. I've found that growing my plants a bit bigger indoors seems to keep those cutworms at bay. Just a little food for thought! 😁👍

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