Connecting The Dots - October 08, 2023

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Using lawfare to nullify opposition and stop inquiry into illegal acts was never meant to become an American governmental institution… least not until recently.

This means of silencing opposition to illegality was reserved for totalitarian countries and places where individual rights are non-existent. Using lawfare to silence opponents is an age old technique for tyrants controlling government resources to avoid the hangman's noose for their illegal acts against their subjects.

If you control the media, control the courts, control the government bureaucracy and fill our universities with Frankfurt School acolytes; being able to outmaneuver any opposition to “fundamentally transform” our once great republic from a bastion of freedom under rule of law to a land of absolute control under despotic leadership becomes fait accompli.

If you think this “conspiracy theory” is a bit over the top, think about all the people being silenced today through unblushing use of lawfare; from J6ers to former presidents and anti-vaxxers.

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