Yeshua’s passion, trials, crucifixion, death and burial. Mark CH 15. Part 1.

8 months ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Sunday, April 14, 2024 Yeshua’s passion, trials, crucifixion, death and burial. Mark CH 15. Part 1.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
The backdrop is all of the Disciples complaining and shouting at the woman. Their spiritual sight was just a little of focus.
62 And Yeshua said, “I am; and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven.”63 Tearing his clothes, the high priest said, “What further need do we have of witnesses?64 “You have heard the blasphemy; how does it seem to you?” And they all condemned HIM as deserving of death.
66 And while Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the slave women (young girl) of the high priest came,67 and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were with Yeshua the Nazarene as well.”
ISA 53:7, He was oppressed and afflicted, Yet He did not open HIS mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, So HE did not open HIS mouth.
Notice contrast between the first Adam and the last! Adam was guilty, and yet tried to make excuses and shift blame. The second Adam Yeshua was guiltless, and yet made no defense at all.

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