Humble Yourself as a Little Child

8 months ago

Jesus Christ was the greatest man who ever lived—and the humblest man who ever lived. Understand why you must follow Christ’s example and humble yourself as a little child.


It takes real humility to obey God—especially when doing so makes you different from the rest of the world. Request our free booklet Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which? to discover the one true way to worship God. Realize the tremendous vision behind God’s weekly Sabbath and annual holy days. Prove beyond all doubt that the Sabbath is still a commanded observance for all mankind today. If Jesus Christ and His apostles faithfully kept the Sabbath and holy days, why shouldn’t you?

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Repentance Toward God. Understand the depth of real repentance—how it is more than feeling sorry for doing something wrong. Learn how godly repentance encompasses every thought, word, deed, and desire. It is a total change of purpose and direction in life. It involves not only sincere emotion but decisive action.

Study Repentance Toward God to discover how King David masterfully wielded the powerful Christian weapon of repentance. He saw how much his sins hurt God the Father and Jesus Christ—and he never stopped fighting to eradicate those sins from his life permanently. You can follow David’s example. You can experience the freedom that comes from crushing sin.

You will also receive Gerald Flurry’s free book on Hebrews. Study The Book of Hebrews to discover what Jesus Christ is doing today. He died for your sins, but now He lives! And His life revolves around you. He is doing everything possible as your High Priest, Advocate, and Intercessor to give you a great chance to enter God’s Family. Your life matters more than you know. Let God open your mind to the glorious future He has planned for you.

You may also enroll in our free Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course. This 36-lesson Bible course will guide you step by step through all the fundamental doctrines of your Bible. You will grasp the righteousness and purity of God’s perfect character as reflected in His perfect law of love. You will realize the importance of living by every Word of God—and the incredible blessings that will pour into your life as a result.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which?, Repentance Toward God, and The Book of Hebrews. Sign up for the Bible Correspondence Course. Order now!

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