[2023-03-24] Natural slow-fix_cure for substance damage / withdrawal symptoms [11S956RtoiQ]

8 months ago

In 2011 I experimented with JWH-018 which wreaked havoc on my brain up to a decade later. Specifically my Gaba receptors were nearly ALL fried. This is the story of how I got myself out of that damage. I was put on benzodiazepines which helped amazingly, and my doctors took me off of that medicine which almost killed me. The withdrawals from suddenly stopping such a great medication caused severe repercussions. They no longer prescribe what helps anyone anymore, and want you to drop dead. They wanted me dead, so I controlled my gaba receptors the legal way for a while, at a cost. I used alcohol. However.. alcohol is not a permanent solution for medication replacement. If you are in severe withdrawals from certain medications or alcohol this will help you an extreme amount, since doctors these days are wikipedia scrubs with zero care about you other than your wallets value. Fight back against these judgemental cowards. These supplements will get your brain mostly back to how good it used to be. Your fight is not over. Be patient and spend that money.

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