The Final Answer: The Why Question 4 | VL-004 by Nathan C. Johnson

3 months ago

One of the most difficult questions we must ask ourselves regarding God, life, and the world is the “why” question. We who believe that there is a God Who is all-good and all-loving and Who made the world must answer why then this world is such a terrible place and in such a mess. In this message, Nathan C. Johnson considers the final answer to this question. The fact is that God is going to save this world someday from all the chaos, heartache, pain, and death that sin and rebellion against God has brought into it. This future time is called in the Bible "The Kingdom of God," and it is a time when God will take control of the governments of this world and make them His Own, moving to control all that happens on earth. We discuss this future time and God's final answer to the "why" question. The Word of Truth Ministry Video Library number 004.

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