Does God Determine Everything? The Why Question 3 | VL-003 by Nathan C. Johnson

2 months ago

One of the most difficult questions we must ask ourselves regarding God, life, and the world is the “why” question. We who believe that there is a God Who is all-good and all-loving and Who made the world must answer why then this world is such a terrible place and in such a mess. In this message, Nathan C. Johnson considers the question if God determines everything that ever happens, and therefore if He is not to blame for all the bad things in this world. What does it matter if the problems with this world were caused by Adam's rebellion against God instigated by Satan, if this is the way God always planned it to be in the beginning? If everything is out of God, doesn't that make Him ultimately responsible? We consider the Bible passages put forward to support this idea that God causes everything that happens, and we insist that God is not to blame. The Word of Truth Ministry Video Library number 003.

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