Sunday Sermon 04/14/2024

11 months ago

I hereby declare a new church!
we need to be smart and we need to follow the scripture.
this is a fight between good and evil.
satan v.s. God and the people of the book
God did not create institutions, man did.
a church/mosque that combines the gospel and the holy Quran
might be more islamic and more christian,
than any current denomination

I am father Omar Samson here to lead the sheeple of the book.
Omar for president!
Omar the new pope!
Omar for khalif!
Chrislam to the future.

Open for questions , discussions , confessions ,exorcism , baptism and for reverts and converts

I hereby declare a new church!
the Free Humanity church of chrIslam
Truth in scripture.
verses of truth,
To many bible verses to reference them all.
Prayer al-Fatiha,
prayer Pater noster,
prayer ave Maria,
Truth, bible, quran

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