…what is Kathara Grid Template Ashayana Deane?

10 months ago

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…what is Kathara Grid Template Ashayana Deane?
09.48 2023 time shifts and more
11.58 are we living in a false timeline and map 1
12.45 are we living in a false timeline and map 2
15.55 no fly zones
16.58 nasa serpent diety
19.50 eclips but moon over there
20.50 eclips are not neutral
25.35 f e As Above... (The Rosetta Stone)
30.17 f e flights
30.39 f e green screen
31.12 f e moon faked on main stream
33.36 f e moon landing fake
34.30 f e moon landings faked
37.09 f e nasa
39.27 f e nasa going no where
42.15 f e no ice
43.20 f e not hahahaha

51.29 z english language is a joke

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…what is Kathara Grid Template Ashayana Deane?

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