Daredevil Walks Right Into A Dust Devil Tornado Just For Fun

6 years ago

Whilst driving through the Karoo in South Africa, this man spotted a dust devil and decided to pull over to film it. What he witnessed next was simply amazing and left him speechless!

An unexpected and unusual sight was spotted whirling through the city of Karoo in South Africa. A dust devil travelled across a yard and a parking lot before disappearing into thin air. However, there is more to this story!

In this clip, we see a man recording a video of a tiny dust devil from the side of the road. At first, we think that he only films the curious phenomenon, but moments later we spot something near the tiny tornado. A daredevil is seen hesitating to enter the dust devil. Can you believe this guy?

Maybe this man captured the moment the micro-tornado formed out of twirling dust, but the man who dared to enter the dust devil stole the show and was the star shining bright in the spotlight! Creepy!

Filmmaker stated that the dust devil appeared near the highway and he pulled over to capture it. However, he never expected to spot a daredevil who is courageous enough to test and experience what it feels like to be in the middle of it all! The nonchalant guy casually entered the dust devil without having second thoughts about what might happen to him! Is this man brave or crazy?!

Watch this impressive footage of a dust devil swirling near a main road while a daredevil decides to join in the fun by walking directly into it? Would you ever dare to follow this man’s footsteps or is this a ‘kids, don’t try this at home’ moment? Let us know in the comments below!

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