Doctor Phil. Words

2 months ago

Dr. Phil Drops Epic Rant Over BANNED Words

“You can’t say mom or dad anymore!”

“You can’t say peanut gallery. Are we offending peanuts?”

Other words and phrases that you’re not allowed to say anymore:

• First-world problem
• Grandfathered in
• Powwow/tribe
• Blackout
• America Land of Opportunity
• Lame
• Totem pole
• Brainstorm
• Blindsided
• Spook
• Ghetto
• Tone-deaf
• Gyp or Gip
• Minorities

“People have too much time on their hands,” @DrPhil remarked.

“And so, they’ve come up with inclusive alternatives,” he continued.

“Does anybody want to guess what people who menstruate are? The National Institutes of Health, instead of calling someone a woman, they’re ‘birthing people.’ Now, I can just imagine calling Robin a birthing person. The Lancet says ‘bodies with vaginas’ instead of women. Doesn’t that seem dehumanizing?”

Full Episode:

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