The U.S., Japan and Philippines Summit to Strengthen Alliance to Counter the CCP

3 months ago

04/12/2024 Arirang News: The U.S. is hosting Japan and the Philippines in Washington to solidify their trilateral ties, and explore ways to keep China in check. The U.S. is building a new framework with key Asian allies to counter China. This includes forming a lattice-like network, which includes last year's trilateral summit between South Korea, the U.S. and Japan, known as the Camp Davis Summit, as well as the AUKUS trilateral security partnership between the U.S., U.K. and Australia, and the Quad, which includes the U.S., Japan, Australia and India.
04/12/2024 Arirang News: 美国正在华盛顿与日本、菲律宾进行三边会谈,以巩固美日菲三边关系,并探讨如何遏制中共国。美国正在与亚洲重要盟国建立新体系应对中共国,这包括形成格子网络,其中包括去年韩国、美国和日本之间举行的三边峰会,美英澳三边安全合作伙伴关系,及美国、英国、澳大利亚和印度的“四方安全对话”。

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