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Justice vs Law

10 months ago

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  • 0/2000
  • The military was purged, then went woke, been vaxxed. They're sick, twisted, and serve an openly criminal, satanic government. They are NOT going to rescue this nation, its citizens or even themselves (if attacked by outside forces...and that would only be Russia bc it's the only force w its sh*t together) so stop with this magical thinking that the mil is going to save us. They're NOT. The Pentagon is run by satanists, they're not going to do ANYTHING for the good of America. Period. Ever. And no, I'm not a shill! I love this country, its Constitution, but not much else except for the brave who are standing up to criminal tyrants running the place today.

  • I liked the conclusion: "Stay safe, and if you can't stay safe, be deadly."

  • All the gate keepers are pushing for civil unrest. Don’t take the bait

  • clif_high rides a GSXR1000R ...I knew that !👍🤪😬🫣😂

  • I’m sure Whoopi’s is pushing up daisies.

  • Thank you Clif 😊

  • I live in Sweden and have not seen any military action taken against migrants. Yes the government TALKS about it but fuck all is being done. I still struggle to see Sweden get off its beta arse to deal with the issues. So just this week we had one man being shot in the head in front of his son because he told some migrant kids to stop vandalizing a tunnel. They simply executed him, he was 36 and his son is 12. Yesterday 3 women aged 70-75 years were stabbed and one teenager got brutally beaten by the same bloke. All of this happened near a mosque in my home town. The police actually managed to track the bloke down and shot him in the leg. We have bombings on a weekly basis on flats and homes, we have shootings on a daily basis and I recon this year knife crimes will escalate. And it is rarely any justice is done by law. IF they managed to find the perpetrators the punishment is weak. Sweden is totally socialist and has been for over 100 years. We have a zionist cult ruling this country that made sure socialism is infiltrated in every aspect of life here. Swedes are unarmed mostly but the migrants are heavily armed. Swedes are afraid to stand up because of the racist card stigma.

  • Volume is too low

  • People are scared to do stuff after Jan 6 victims, But yes every Country is being invaded

  • I can’t remember a single time that any of your data forecasts ever came to fruition. First you say the Elohim will be coming sometime in April, well here we are. Now you’re saying it will happen in July with the UFOs. Nothing you have ever said has ever happened. Should she reevaluate your system?

  • love Clif but I have to disagree I am all up for law and order but I have known well more than 50 jewish people in my life stupid smart and genius level and ALL were great great people maybe he is talking about a 1/1000 of a populatiin like the Khazars I mean I am Sicilian and I know 1/2 of 1% of my people are in the mafia but if if I saw a mafia guy hurting someone in the streey I would step in to stop it would I hang the guy the next day or any human like we were in the frickin Crusades or somethinh HELL no people this is not the Purge movie yes therr are forces out thete gaslighting and its our job to stay calm defend our neighbors whether we like them or not imho Cliff is gaslighting here and with Civil War out in the theatres the powers at be want us to get in touch with our inner John Wick but as a martial artist for morr than 3 decades I can tell you I signed up when I was 20 because I wanted to be able to kick ass like van damme or seagal but once your training for 3months you learn two very important things 1- No one ever truly wins a fight - it hurts like hell to hit a board someones shin bone someones jaw any strike to them has an effect neg on you 2- The best way to win a fight is to De escalate and not get into them If anything we learn from these John Wick movies how hurt you can get by just hurting one person let alone taking on a whole gang Want to know whats hard - having someone insult your spouse your friend or you and having the inner strength to win by walking away Look into Aikido if you want the hest on earth self defense the Japanese natiknal cops get training daily how to de escalate a situation and if it gets violent how to seek non deathly options to restrain the violent ones of course the great Dalton from Roadhouse said it best ; BE NICE

  • Been following you for many years. Your views on Jews (JewViews) sure has evolved.

  • Understanding that timing isn't static, I still really appreciate you sharing the information in your data sets along with the likely timing. Thank you, Clif!

    1 like
  • end whoopie as well

    1 like
  • Bill was killed in India by pissed off people a while ago.

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