These Are Times A Little Girl Feels Too Beautiful

6 years ago

Many beauty standards in the world can seem impossible. They can be quite overwhelming for any person who doesn’t fit in the specific image society has deemed as ‘’pretty’’. As people, especially women are often told what beauty is, it is nice to know that beauty has No definition. The girl in this video is a proof that beauty standards should not exist. Take a look at her inspirational talk with her mom. Amazing!

Well, I guess there is such a thing as too beautiful, and this girl knows the struggle. A girl walks down the stairs in an entirely pink outfit. She mumbles quietly that she feels too beautiful. The woman recording the video asks why she feels that way, and the girl says that she doesn't like feeling that way. She explains that she wants to look clean, but not too clean...and not too beautiful.

This little girl doesn't think it's fair to other people to be more beautiful. I guess this girl is really upset by our current beauty standards. She's pretty woke. Everyone should take an example from her. The girl is very young but aware of the society and their beauty ideals. She does not agree that they should exist and we can’t agree more on that.

There is nothing wrong with being different. Whether you are too tall, too big, too skinny, too pale, too dark, we want to emphasize that above everything else, you are beautiful just the way you are!

Watch this video of a young girl that doesn’t want to be too beautiful! Awesome thinking!

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