13 04 2024 - Melbourne Freedom Rally

3 months ago

Display Image of yet another nut job in Melbourne who has no problem showing everyone that they are a pathetic nutjob.
Upper house has passed the digital ID bill to take total control of every single part of the lives of every single man and woman and child in the country.
It would link to absolutely everything you do and interact with society.
Mygov, Banks, Medical, Purchases, Internet Access, Social Media Postings, School, and everything else you pay for or interact with digitally.
This is very dangerous Digital ID, if the government does not like what you buy or watch or listen to or post online, etc etc, you will get punishments. North Korea / China style controls.
For your safety and security and the safety and security of your family and children - people would need to be active in notifying people that this is something that we 100 % do not want or need in Australia and that it is something that they do not accept.

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