David Straight On Allodial Land Title [ Extremely Important-Tom ]

10 months ago

Allodial Title To Land - Important ( you don’t really own your house ? )



March Madness Links

Tom On Drums 🪘-,Jesus Freak by DC Talks https://rumble.com/v4o9gsk-hilarious-escape-from-the3d-matrix.html

April 8th Update !!!
Breaking News 📰 Enter The RED HATS -Enter The “Red Hats” | Real Raw News https://realrawnews.com/2024/04/enter-the-red-hats/

1.) Why not see what’s happening on my feed at Veterans Against Treason https://referral.rumble.com/RK8n

2.) To Encourage My Efforts And Help Pay 💰 My Bar Tap : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/CTrefts

1.) The End Is Coming for Experimental COVID-19 😷 Vaccines. New treatments and off brand drugs will now be available soon.

2.) List Of Names In P Diddy Lawsuit :

3.) Who Was 😟 Paul Bunyan Really ?

4.) All Preachers Are FBI Agents - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTaDGc5/

5.) See Explanation After Viewing Powerful Black Woman Preacher’s Video ~ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTaYJGE/

They Stir Up Black Man’s Ego So They Self Sabotage With The Police 👮/ Courts / and Jails and become PAWNS ♟️ In A Game They Can’t Win Called Privatized Prison —-~>>

Don’t You See My Brothers ? They are Manipulating You ! White Dudes Too !

Dummies That Don’t Know The Law, Either Can’t Or Won’t Heed The Good Advise Of Those Who Were Abused Or Killed By The System..


💥 Let’s Keep Our Noses 👃 Clean 🧼 And Lead Us Not To Temptation, BUT To Deliver Us From Evil 😈

For By Christ,
In His Mighty Name 💪
For His Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Forever,
Amen 🙏…

Thomas W. Trefts
March, 30th, 2024

6.) Russian Forces Cut Ukrainian Supply Line In Half - March 2024

7.) Nibiru Is A Spaceship 🚀 Not A Planet https://beforeitsnews.com/agenda-21/2024/03/nibiru-planet-x-is-not-a-planet-but-extraterrestrial-spaceship-nibiru-exists-planet-x-in-pictures-and-video-4337.html

According To Elana Danaan
( Emissary of ENKI- for The Galactic Federation) our sister solar system is in the 5th Dimension. ( !?!? ) https://beforeitsnews.com/agenda-21/2024/03/nibiru-planet-x-is-not-a-planet-but-extraterrestrial-spaceship-nibiru-exists-planet-x-in-pictures-and-video-4337.html

Video # 1 - https://youtu.be/WJ5vStnlI9E

Video # 2- https://youtu.be/hWOBr4r9dKo

Video # 3 -
Best Rating Possible - Iraq 🇮🇶 War Veteran Knocks The Bullshit Politics Out Of The Park !!!!!

Grandpa Tom’s Warning ⚠️ To Shoot FEMA Agents On Sight For Christmas 🎄 https://rumble.com/v41byev-grandpa-toms-warning-to-make-sure-and-shoot-fema-agents-on-sight-for-christ.html

Dying 💀 Billionaires

April 9, 2024 - Sunrise 🌅 “ Solar Flash “ ( Artificial Sun ☀️ Misfiring / Tuning Up / Changing Lightbulb 💡??? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDU5XoN/

Best Rating Possible - Iraq 🇮🇶 War Veteran Knocks The Bullshit Politics Out Of The Park !!!!!
Anyone notice Lots of Billionaires are “dying” lately…?
➡️ list for ....

1.) Why not see what’s happening on my feed at Veterans Against Treason https://referral.rumble.com/RK8n

2.) To Encourage My Efforts And Help Pay 💰 My Bar Tap : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/CTrefts
Abhay Vakil ($6.2 billion)
Arne Wilhelmsen ($2 billion)
Aloysio de Andrade Faria ($3 billion)
Alberto Bailleres ($8.6 billion)
Alberto Roemmers ($2.4 billion)
Allan Goldman ($2.8 billion)
B. Wayne Hughes ($3.3 billion)
Benjamin de Rothschild ($1.4 billion)
Billy Joe “Red” McCombs ($1.7 billion)
Clement Fayat (1.2 billion)
Carol Jenkins Barnett ($2.3 billion)
Carlos Ardila Lülle ($2.3 billion)
Chuck Bundrant ($1.7 billion)
David Gottesman ($2.9 billion)
Donald Foss ($1.7 billion)
Dmitry Bosov ($1.1 billion)
Dietrich Mateschitz ($20 billion)
Edward "Ned" Johnson III $10 billion)
Edmund Ansin ($1.4 billion)
Eduardo Cojunangco ($1 billion)
Eli Broad ($6.9 billion)
Ennio Doris ($3.4 billion)
Fayez Sarofim ($1.5 billion)
Fong Yun Wah ($2.2 billion)
Gordon Moore ($6.8 billion)
Herbert Kohler Jr. ($8.8 billion)
Heinz Hermann Thiele ($12.9 billion)
Hiedi Horten ($2.9 billion)
John Martin ($1.2 billion)
Julian Robertson Jr. ($4.8 billion)
Jose Luis Cutrale ($1.9 billion)
Joseph Safra ($25 billion)
Juan Lopez-Belmonte Lopez ($1.8 billion)
John Arrillaga ($2.6 billion)
James Crown ($10 billion)
Kim Jung-ju ($10 billion)
Lily Safra ($1.3 billion)
Lo Siu-tong ($1.3 billion)
Leonardo Del Vecchio ($24 billion)
Lee Man Tat ($17.5 billion)
Lee Kun-hee ($20 billion)
Masatoshi Ito ($4+billion)
Mahendra Prasad ($2.2 billion)
Majid Al Futtaim ($4.2 billion)
Manuel Moroun ($1.7 billion)
Manuel Jove ($2.5 billion)
M.G. George Muthoot ($3.2 billion)
Michael Price ($1.2 billion)
Montri Jiaravanont ($4.7 billion)
Nari Genomal ($1.2 billion)
Olivier Dassault ($4.7 billion)
Onsi Sawiris ($1.1 billion)
Park Yeon-cha ($3 billion)
Pallonji Mistry ($15 billion)
Peter Buck ($1.7 billion)
Petr Kellner ($17.5 billion)
Pierre Bellon ($4.2 billion)
Queen Elizabeth II ( $500 million..)
Roberto Ongpin ($1.1 billion)
Robert Brockman ($4.7 billion)
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala ($5.8 billion)
Rudy Ma ($2.5 billion)
Robert Toll ($1.1 billion)
Rahul Bajaj ($8.2 billion)
Randall Rollins ($5 billion)
Sumner Redstone ($2.6 billion)
Suna Kirac ($2.2 billion)
Sir David Barclay ($3.7 billion)
Sheldon Adelson ($35 billion)
Sheldon Solow ($4.4 billion)
Stephen Bechtel Jr. ($1.9 billion)
Tang Shing-bor ($4.7 billion)
Trail Engelhorn (4.2 billion)
Ted Lerner ($6.6 billion)
Teh Hong Piow ($5.7 billion)
Tom Love ($5.5+ billion)
Thomas Lee ($2+ billion)
Teh Hong Piow ($5.7 billion)
Vito Rodriguez Rodriguez ($1.3 billion)
Valentin Gapontsev ($2.8 billion)
Walter Scott Jr. ($4 billion)
Winarko Sulistyo ($1.1 billion)
Whitney MacMillan ($4.3 billion)
W. Galen Weston ($7 billion)
Zuo Hui ($15 billion)

I’m sure I missed a few… this isn’t even counting the millionaires..such as the ones who just died on the submersible that visited the titantic.
(2 were Billionairs.)

Shahzada Dawood & Son ($360 million)
Stockton Rush ($25 million)
Hamish Harding (1.1 billion)
Paul-Henri Nargeolet ($1.5 billion)

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Time To Burn 🔥 Down All The Masonic Temples - Grandpa Tom Editorial / Rant :

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