
4 months ago

A Poem

An unearned knowledge unsheathed the flame of the passions.
Bared skin, emptied stomach, sharpened teeth to rend
Flesh, marrow, and chlorophyll—disrupting digestion.
Death by holiness introduced as a reality to contend.

Man cast into the darkness of seasonal effect, alone—
Excluded from foodless sustenance and radiant clothes—
The angels to guard the Almighty’s mountain throne
With forged resolve—a flaming sword arose.

A living ark carried the angel’s scabbard.
Through humility the path to paradise was born.
The Path gored and hung where all time gathered—
The focal point a cross, body, blood, and thorns.

A tree was the vessel for fiery expulsion and shame.
Likewise, a tree, paradoxically extinguished the flame.


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