10 months ago

I find it hard to believe that Hunter and Ashley are not raving lunatics, in lock up mental institutions. Most anyone else on this earth, probably would be.
Hunter was only about 3 years old when the entire family should have been killed. At that stage his own father had been gone or disappeared for the whole of 1972 and his mother and younger sister, after spending the entire year of the imposters campaign, were killed in the accident in late 1972. Within a week or so of the Imposter winning the senate seat. At the end of 1972. And for the rest of his life, he had hundreds of imposter supposed father Joe Biden’s, Supposedly father’s. And some years later Imposter Dr. Jill’s by the dozens as supposed step mothers. Throughout this time he was probably under threat of death should he divulge what was really going on. Rest of the family much the same. Step out of line and you die like Neilia, the real Biden’s wife, who was killed after helping the first imposter, for a whole year of his campaign, to win the senate seat, which he did easily.
Ashley was borne on June 8. 1981, which was nine years after, the real Joe Biden disappeared. So during her upbringing there were dozens and dozens of imposter Joes and also Dr. Jill’s so she would have had the most horrendous upbringing it would be possible to imagine. I would surmise that Ashley may not even know who her real father was and there is a chance she may not even know who her real mother was as there have been so many imposters over 52 years, running into the hundreds..

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