Donald Trump Defends Speaker Mike Johnson for Pushing Bill to Spy on Americans Without a Warrant

3 months ago

Trump: “Go ahead, please.”

Reporter: “Do you support the House FISA bill that was passed this morning?”

Trump: “Which one?”

Reporter: “The FISA bill. And did you talk to any —“

Trump: “Well, I’m not a big fan of FISA. I looked at it and I studied it and I know it probably better than anybody. You know, they spied on my campaign. You do know that, right? And they did lots of other bad things. I’m not a big fan of FISA, but I told everybody, I said do what you want. They put a lot of checks and balances on, and I guess it’s down to two years now, so that it would come due in the early part of my administration on the — on the basis that we live up to the polls, because all the —“

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