China's Most Persistent & Pernicious Economic Strategy Is Coercion

5 months ago

04/09/2024 U.S. Amb. to Japan Rahm Emanuel: China took hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, but China didn't do it, the international system China is a part of allowed China to do it. If China thinks raw exercise of power, intellectual property theft and economic espionage is the way they're going to go, we're not participating in it. China’s entire strategy, the most persistent and pernicious economic strategy, is coercion to achieve political ends. China tries to isolate Japan, Australia, Philippines, but we are all coming together and isolating China.
04/09/2024 美国驻日本大使拉姆·伊曼纽尔:中国让数亿人摆脱了贫困,但这并不是中国一个国家的功劳,而是中国所参与的国际体系让中国实现这一成就。如果中国认为野蛮行使权力、窃取知识产权和经济间谍活动是中国要走的路,我们不参与。中国的整个战略,最持久且最恶劣的经济战略是通过胁迫来实现政治目标。中国努力孤立日本、澳大利亚、菲律宾,但我们现在都团结起来,孤立中国。

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