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Weapons Of The Devil

10 months ago

Weapons Of The Devil

Episode 103!

Faith: The devil has many weapons to get you to fall. He came to steal, kill and destroy. Have you experienced the devil tempting you? Has he got you to drop your trust? Has he taken your focus or even your mind? How much do you feed that beast as supposed to giving your heart, mind and soul to Christ.
John 10:10, Matthew 4:5-7, 1 Peter 5:8-10, Psalm 23:4, John 10:10, Revelation 3:20, 1 Corinthians 16:22-24.

Family: What are instances where you faced a great issue and God gave you the answer as to why you were going through it immediately? What hardships have you learned the most from? The crew talks about this and gives some life advice to this subject matter. Josh also speaks to married couples out there about how to be a better husband and a couple of things he has learned after 20 years of marriage.

Politics: OJ Simpson dead at 76 after cancer battle! Black Men’s Support For Trump Doubles In Swing States: POLL! Man, 20, Asks Doctors to Amputate Two Healthy Fingers Because They Caused 'Profound Distress’!

References: https://nypost.com/2024/04/11/us-news/oj-simpson-dead-at-76/



#faith #family #politics #faithfamilyandpolitics #joshuacummins #sterlingmetcalfeallen #kamronreed #devil #weapon #fallen #steal #kill #destroy #god #christ #temptation #trust #focus #heart #mind #john #Matthew #peter #psalm #psalm23 #revelation #corinthians #hardship #advice #marriage #ojsimpson #black #trump #trump2024 #biden #poll #swingstates #amputation #biid #profounddistress #bodyintegrityidentitydismorphia


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