Federal Government Actively Entraps Americans

19 days ago

It has been an open secret for decades that the federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies will frame or entrap Americans to push their political agendas. That will include those who they oppose politically, those who expose their crimes or those who are tools to paint a fake narrative... to push a political agenda.

Once in a blue-moon, a handful of lower level intelligence agents might be hand accountable, but those really pulling the strings are not held accountable and escalate their entrapment of Americans.

When those at the highest levels of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies are joined at the hip with the federal government, including the Department of Justice, it is all but impossible to stop them. So what are Americans to do?

As the Founding Fathers designed the United States of America, the States were to be a wall to stop federal government overreach. Much of the States authority was destroyed with the 16th Amendment (federal taxation) and the 17th Amendment (electing Senators by the citizens of the State instead of the legislature of each state selecting the Senators.)

The House in Congress was designed to be the voice of the people. The Senate was designed to be the voice of the States. When State legislatures selected the Senators, the legislatures could yank the Senators back if they voted in a way that hurt the States. Now that Senators are voted in by the people, there is really no one to hold the Senators accountable, especially since most voters don't really bother to pay attention to what Senators are doing behind closed doors.

The 16th Amendment was ratified in 1913, barely over 100 years ago. Before that, the federal government was financed by tariffs and the States. It the federal government abused the money from the States, the States could withhold it.

Political manipulations, including bribery, threats, lies, etc. resulted in the passing of both the 16th and 17th Amendments, reducing the power of the States and the people to be a bulwark against federal aggressiveness. Now that the federal government takes money straight from paychecks before the people get their pay, there is nothing to stop the government from using our tax money to build powerful agencies and organizations to be used against us.

The wealthy, greedy and powerful have been working on all of this for over 100 years, and they have gotten away with it, because of the dumbing down of education. People no longer seriously learn about the Constitution, Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. They don't understand why the Founders wrote those documents as they did, the tyrannies that existed in their own time that they were trying to prevent for future generations. People don't really know the history of this country or the world for the last 400 years, or understand what it was like to live when the whole world was ruled by kings, queens, czars, emperors, etc. Due to that ignorance, people don't realize we are being manipulated to return to just such a world where a few live at the top and the rest of the peons for their own benefit.

I highly recommend everyone take the free online course at Hillsdale College to learn about the Constitution and our founding documents, to learn about history and to understand how all the dots connect from 400 years ago to the mess we are in today. Just go to https://online.hillsdale.edu/. Your future, your children's future depends on it.

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