Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom April 12 - Update on Tommy's case

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The Fight for Tommy's Home Continues

Well, we are not totally shocked, we are still disappointed at the outcome of Tommy's court appearance on Wednesday.

Disappointed as the motions put forward were rock solid, however, Judge Grant didn't think so. He denied the motion to intervene by Adie and denied the motion to stay the proceedings, despite the evidence of corruption, and fraud brought forward. Mitchell and Tommy both did a great job, however, based on what we know this expropriation is part of a larger provincial plan that has not been made public.

Mitchell and the New Brunswick team are NOT throwing in the towel. The next step is to file an arbitration regarding the initial agreement from the province to relocate Tommy's home. The team has already started drafting the arbitration and hopes to file early next week.

Read the press release on the ruling HERE:

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