We Can't Give Up Our Country to Communism and Dictatorships

10 months ago

04/11/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: One of the things that the New Federal State of China has been sharing is the difference between the CCP systems towards the democratic systems. We can realize that from the Taiwan earthquake. The CCP don’t care about the people at all. This is why we cannot give up our country to communism and dictatorships.
04/11/2024 喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway:新中国联邦一直在分享的一个内容是中共体制与民主体制之间的区别。我们可以从台湾的这次地震中认识到这一点。中共根本就不在乎老百姓。这就是为什么我们不能将我们的国家交给共产主义和独裁政权。

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