Heal Your Gut & Restore Your Health with Microbiome Expert Dr. William Davis

10 months ago

Can yogurt cure your health woes?  What if there was a simple, inexpensive solution that could resolve your stomach issues, improve your skin and mood, and reduce your waist circumference …would you be interested?

On this week’s podcast, Dr. Donald Ellsworth is joined by world-renowned Cardiologist, Author and Health Crusader, Dr. William Davis. Dr. Davis is the author of New York Times #1 Bestselling book, Wheat Belly, that took the nutritional world by storm and exposed the adverse health effects caused by genetic changes introduced into modern wheat. In his latest book, Super Gut, he shows you a 4-week program to reprogram your gut microbiome, restore your health, lose weight, and more!

Learn about the Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) epidemic and how the lack of key gut bacteria is contributing to a host of health problems and various symptoms.

Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com 

To learn more about Dr. William Davis or to order his latest book, Super Gut, visit https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/

If you have symptoms of gut imbalance or yeast overgrowth, take the free Symptom Checker Quiz by visiting https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/.

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