Manage YOUR Time Like a Millionaire

10 months ago

In this video, we go over the time management skills that made me millions, and how you can use these techniques in order to succeed in anything.

I learned from early on in my business that if I want to have any chance of getting somewhere in my success journey, I have to learn how to manage my time like a millionaire. This is because it is so easy to get drowned in work and commitments, and never have enough time to do all the things you want to accomplish.

Today I run a business with over 500 people, I make content on YouTube, I post regularly on social media, and I am also able to make enough time for my family and loved ones. If I didn’t have a world class time management system in place, there is no way I would be able to have time for all of these things. In this video, I’m going to share with you my time management skills. These are simple time management tips that can be implemented starting from today.

The first is To Do Lists. Preparing a list of things you need to accomplish gets you focused on the main objectives, and makes you more efficient and less likely to waste time on less important objectives.

Second is to keep your schedule simple. So many people schedule every little activity such as brushing your teeth or combing your hair that the schedule makes them less efficient instead of more. It’s a great idea to schedule, but make sure you are doing it for the big tasks only, not for every little thing you have to do in the day.

Third is to create urgency and value your time more. Most people value money more than their time, and as a result they either waste their time doing nothing, or spend time instead of spending money to resolve certain situations. If you want to make more time to get more done, you have to change your mindset on time. You need to start viewing time as a limited resource that has to be carefully allocated, just the same way that you carefully budget for your money and your spendings.

Fourth is building momentum. If you build a lot of momentum by doing a certain task or habit on a regular basis, you become more and more efficient at it over time. When this happens, you will be able to get the same tasks done in a shorter period of time, and thereby, making more time for you to get more done. Building momentum can only occur through consistency, so if you want to build momentum and become more efficient with your time, then make sure not to disrupt your consistent efforts.

Last but not least, it is essential that you stop procrastinating. I made an entire video where I go over how you can get over procrastination, feel free to check that video out if you want to learn more.

#nimaattar #timemanagement #successjourney #successmindset #successtips #millionairehabits #millionairemindset #millionaireskills

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