The CCP officials send their children to the U.S. to integrate with the Western society

3 months ago

4/10/2024 [China Watch with Kathleen Winn] Ava: The CCP officials send their children, including illegitimate ones, to the U.S. to integrate with the Western society and build up networks, preparing them to act in the CCP's interests opportunistically in the future. There are many hidden forces within the American system, and you may not even know who they are!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
4/10/2024 莘7女孩做客《凯瑟琳·温恩观察中国》莘7女孩:中共把儿女和私生子女们送往美国就是为了和西方融合并建立关系网,以便日后为了中共的利益伺机而动。美国系统内部有很多隐藏的力量,你甚至不知道他们是谁!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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