10 months ago

February 13/ 2024
An Entire Neighborhood In Greece Capital Athens Had An Electricity Blackout That Is Known As A Black Swan Event…
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March 21/ 2024
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February 17/ 2024
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December 12/2023
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April 11/ 2024
Red Hats Strikes Again Taking Out FEMA Child Sex Traffickers🇺🇸⛑️🇺🇸⚔️
White Hats Military Find FEMA Bathed In Blood💂🩸🔍👨‍🚀🐝

At 2:00 p.m. Tuesday United States Marines encircled a warehouse in northwest Salina, Kansas, with orders to arrest all occupants and seize physical evidence that might link them to the eleven children White Hats found in a derelict boxcar Saturday afternoon. Two Marines concealed themselves behind a Backhoe in the dirt driveway. Two more pairs flanked the front door, one of two entrances, the other a commercial roll-up garage door large enough for machinery, or a squad of Marines, to fit through. Marksmen aimed rifles at the windows, grimy glass through which no interior light escaped. When the squad commander keyed his mic twice—the go signal—Marines kicked down the door and charged inside, commanding all within to drop their weapons and fall to their knees or be shot dead.

But the four bodies in the warehouse were already deceased, covered in blood, on the cement floor. A man’s eyeball had been removed in a less-than-surgical manner. A screwdriver handle protruded from his other eye socket. A heavyset fellow in a plaid shirt and jeans had multiple stab wounds to his face, torso, and legs, and three severed fingers beside a rusty, blood-stained hacksaw. A third body, this one wearing a suit, had powder burns on his forehead and a bullet in the brain. The fourth, cause of death unclear, had an eight-by-ten-inch photograph stapled to his chest. The photo was of one of the children from the boxcar.

As RRN mentioned yesterday, White Hats apprehended the FEMA official allegedly responsible for orchestrating the abductions and arranging for the kids to be sold to a foreign billionaire who spends his life sailing the oceans on a superyacht.

According to a source in General Smith’s office, White Hats “applied the necessary pressure” to force a confession from the FEMA supervisor, whose name he has yet to share.

“He didn’t want to talk to us, so we gave him a little encouragement,” our source said. “Normally these guys won’t break, but he was weak, damn weak. He admitted he did it for money and pointed us at his accomplices, four agents under him. We went to arrest them, but someone beat us to the punch, brutally so. The ways they died—it seemed…personal.”

General Smith, he added, believes that “Red Hats,” a militaristic coalition that opposes the Biden Regime and favors bloodshed over arrests and litigation, discovered the plan through a mole and irrationally took matters into their own hands. The fringe group is presumably led by a high-ranking officer still known to us as Colonel Kurtz, described as an enigmatic, charismatic sociopath with a history of subverting the rules of modern warfare.

“He’s persuasive. He wins the hearts and minds of people he talks to. General Smith disapproves of his methods,” our source said.

RRN pointed out to the source the hypocrisy in Gen. Smith’s condemnation, reminding him that the Marines involved in the December assault on an NIH Biolab in Montana gunned down 34 scientists before giving them a chance to surrender and stand trial.

“That situation was different,” he said.

“The general thinks it’s possible we have people playing both sides—that some of us are also some of them,” he deflected.

Asked whether Marines found evidence or a calling card, like a bloody thumbprint, at the warehouse, he said, “No, they haven’t claimed responsibility as they did in New Jersey. But this messy scenario has Kurtz’s name written all over it.”

April 12/ 2024
White Hats Military Execute Deep Stater Victoria Nuland Ahead Of Schedule🧑‍💼⛓️🧑‍🚀🐝

Victoria Nuland was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Thursday afternoon after telling a fellow detainee that Admiral Crandall was a “cowardly wimp” who lacked the “balls” to execute or order the execution of someone of her distinction and prominence. She also boasted, through deceit or delusion, she had surrendered to JAG voluntarily because “President Obama” wanted her on the inside to gather intelligence on GITMO activities. “I can leave anytime I want, today even, and there’s nothing anyone here can do to stop me,” Nuland boasted.

Detainees at Camp Delta’s “death row” typically spend their last days in isolation and have no contact with even their nearest neighbors. They have no amenities or privileges and leave their cells under heavy guard twice weekly to shower. However, overcrowding and JAG’s reluctance to methodize same-day executions—hang them immediately upon conviction—have led to inmates mingling in corridors, passing notes, and speaking to one another through air vents discreetly.

Nuland didn’t know the meaning of “discretion” and wanted the inhabitants to understand that her freedom, unlike theirs, was only a phone call away. “One call, one call to Biden or Obama, that’s all it takes and I’m out of here. You can’t go home, but I can. I can leave this place whenever I want, today even,” Nuland told an inmate.

A guard overheard Nuland’s bragging and reported her to the watch commander, who reportedly informed Admiral Crandall that Nuland’s behavior had become intolerable and disruptive.

Admiral Crandall honored her with a personal visit.

“So, word on the street is you can leave GITMO today, detainee Nuland. I’ve thought about this and decided you’re right: you leave today.”

The color drained from Nuland’s face. “No, no, you said the sixteenth. You promised. Today’s only the eleventh,” Nuland said.

“I promised you nothing, detainee Nuland. I said ‘tentatively’ the sixteenth, and tentative means whatever I say it means. And it means now,” the admiral said.

Two hours later, Nuland stood atop the gallows quaking in fear with a rope around her neck and terror in her eyes. She did not answer when the admiral asked if she had final words, as if fear had sucked the breath from her mouth.

“Last chance,” the admiral said.

Nuland seemed to muster a bit of courage. She straightened her body and took a deep breath.

“I pledge allegiance to Obama—”

“Hell of a lot of good he did for you,” the admiral quipped, nodding his head as he watched Nuland’s soon-to-be lifeless body dangling from the rope and gasping for air.

At the utterance of Obama’s name, he had ordered the hangman to open the door underneath Nuland’s feet.

She was pronounced dead three minutes later.

April 12/2024
Demon Figurine Found In Victoria Nulands Gitmo Cell👹🧑‍💼👽🐝

A stone figurine carved in the likeness of Beelzebub, another name for Satan, and, in demonology, one of the seven deadly demons or seven princes of Hell, was found in a GITMO cell formerly occupied by the now-deceased Victoria Nuland, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

A cleaning crew found the demonic sculpture, four inches tall and shaped like a fly, tucked inside a blanket that reportedly smelled like rotten eggs.

Theological sources depict the entity in various forms. It is sometimes called the Lord of the Flies and represents gluttony and envy, two of the seven deadly sins. The Christian Bible mentions Beelzebub in the Books of Luke, Matthew, and Mark.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”

Matthew 12:25-28

Deep Staters have historically coalesced around fiendish, malevolent entities: From Gavin Newsom’s guttural curses to Stephan Bancel writing in diaries that Baphomet had periodically possessed him since childhood, cabalists have demonstrated a propensity for worshipping evil and allowing evil to consume their souls and minds. It was broadly reported that Hillary Clinton reeked of sulfur and that clouds of pestilent flies often hovered above Obama’s head, sometimes landing on his jug-handle ears and cosmetically altered nose at public appearances. He either never noticed them or enjoyed having them on his face. There are endless examples of Deep Staters embracing symbolism and demonism.

“Frankly, we don’t care who these idolaters worship,” a GITMO source told RRN. “They can pray to Gozer the Gozerian for all we care. We’re arresting them because they’ve committed treason in contravention of the United States Constitution. We don’t think Nuland made it. It was too intricate, and she wasn’t a sculptor. Somehow, someway, someone got it to her and we didn’t spot it. Still, it’s contraband, and we’ll be shaking cells down to see if we find more of them, or the person making them.”

April 6/ 2024
What Caused The 4.8 Magnitude New York~ New Jersey Earthquake On April 5…
The Deep State had recently constructed a Hadron Collider, like CERN’s 27-kilometer ring particle accelerator, in New Jersey, and planned to use it to open a “portal” to a dimension bursting with malevolent apparitions whose power the Deep State sought…

March 28/ 2024
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March 23/ 2024
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