Indigo Children Are Going Through 8 Doors of Awakening in 2024.

10 months ago

Current State: "Sleepwalker".

You can consider yourself awake as you get up in the morning, after your night's sleep, wash your face, and head up to work. Right?

You live inside a matrix of holographic reality, thinking you’re awake, just
like a dream where it feels so real. Only after you open your eyes, and only then, do you say to yourself: “Wow! That was just a dream.”
That is what I’m talking about here. You are either an awakened soul or a Sleepwalker. So, which one are you?

After the 8th Door, your asce3nsion to the 5D will be completed.

Read More About the "Indigo Code" - The book that they warned me not to publish, but I did it anyway. Since when I do give a fuck?!

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