11 months ago

Are you familiar with Black and Pan-African solidarity with Palestine?

According to this brother, @butchware, it did not start with the 7 October escalation, Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip beginning in 2005, the multiple Arab-Israeli wars in the mid-20th century, or the 1948 Nakba that forced 750,000 Palestinians off the land to make way for the state of Israel.

In this clip from a longer 6 February presentation that can be viewed on YouTube, Butch Ware, a history professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, said many of our ancestors had already concluded in the late 19th century that Zionism, a political ideology that some say hijacks Judaism to justify settler-colonialism, is a white supremacist movement that European imperialists back.

Ware says Black anti-Zionism is born out of a deep-rooted sense of revolutionary solidarity against the white-supremacist ethnic cleansing of an indigenous brown population.

What do you think of his argument? Let us know in the comments.

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