Do not fear Part 1

11 months ago

Do not fear,
fear is the mindkiller.
Fear is the little death.
I will not allow my fear power over me.
I will face my fear,
with the Lord,
and with my faith.
My fear will passover, through, and around me.
When my fear is gone only I and my faith
shall remain with the Lord.

Does it look like I completely ripped off the Book "Dune" and Lordified it up for my own personal use? Well you hawk-eyed, silver tongued devil would be correct. In the video I talk about how and why I used a dogmatic prayer about fear -

May the Lord bless and protect you all
your children, and your families.

a couple of the best teacher channels I have ever found-
these are on YT (unfortunately blegh!)

Chuck Missler on channels
My Special Place
Koinonia House
The Reconciled

for the gematria, Hebrew studies, alef-bet, and mathematics YT
John Kostic

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