OMC Radio TV Bringing The Evil Inside The Church To Light

4 months ago

Opus Dei is now beginning to take over The Knights Of Columbus

The Rothschild Jews Of Israel want the Latin Patriarch To Be The Next Pope

Vice President Of The Italian Bishop Conference writes a Sodomite Way Of The Cross

With The Agreement by the U.S. Bishops in place to attack the Latin Mass Faithful, now they are beginning to attack whistleblowers of sexual abuse.

We talk about the weird Press Conference Of Cardinal Fernandez on Monday about the new document and his weird talking points

Bergoglio smears the Late Pope Benedict XVI by saying he agreed with Bergoglio on LGBTQ Couples

France is becoming even more Anti-Clerical by having on trial a priest who said homosexual relations are sinful.

Israel is targeting the Old City Of Jerusalem, the home to Armenians since the First Crusade & trying to take it over with their Zionist Settlers.

Then we talk about the awesome news from Arizona in the light of Catholic Party For America

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