GlassDuo's Incredible Tchaikovsky Melody Made Completely From Empty Wine Glasses

6 years ago

GlassDuo plays the glass harp - very rare and extraordinary instrument. It's the only glass music group in Poland, one of a very few professional ensembles in the world. Musicians play in duo and with various chamber ensembles, even symphony orchestras. GlassDuo's instrument is the biggest professional glass harp in the world. Created from ordinary wine glasses by the GlassDuo, the biggest glass harp in the world has been heard at many prestigious festivals.

The GlassDuo's instrument is inspiring and spectacular. It's always a singularly unique event when an instrument made from wine glasses appears on the scene. This one amazing video from them as they are performing absolutely phenomenal glass harp cover of 'Sugar Plum Fairy' by Tchaikovsky. Amazing!

We have great news for you also! If you are fascinated from them as we are then you will be glad to hear that they have a workshop where you can learn this kind of instrument they run workshops in many places in Poland, the USA, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates. Would you be interested?

GlassDuo concerts are always a chance to experience unusual tones, uniquely arranged musical pieces, and above all the presence of the artists themselves, as they pursue their dreams and passions in such an unconventional way.

GlassDuo has taken their glass harp, the largest in the world to the farthest corners of the globe. They’ve played for audiences of all sizes, numbering from the tens to the thousands, for residents of small towns to dignitaries and heads of state. Amazing!

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