You Can Grow A Tree From The Ashes Of Your Loved Ones

6 years ago

This is a great way to make life out of death, and preserve the memories of people who are no longer with us.

Parting from one’s dearly beloved is a difficult task, albeit a fact of life. But thanks to someone’s forward thinking, you can now keep your loved ones close to your heart, thanks to this innovative solution that turns their cremated ashes into a tree.

The concept of “life after life” comes from the company “Bios”. When their Bio Urn debuted in 2013, the idea was nothing short of outlandish. During cremation, the body is stripped of all organic matter, with the heat of the furnace stripping it all into vapor. What is left is ash from pulverized bone which contains zero nutrients and its pH can be harmful to seeds.

The innovation in the Bio Urn comes in the biodegradable material and the two chambers that separate the ashes from the seeds during the plant’s gestation period. The bottom chamber holds the ash, while the top contains coconut shell and vermiculite, a mineral that helps plants retain water. When the root system grows strong enough—generally after a week—water will dissolve the top of the second chamber, allowing the roots and minerals to mix with human ash.

But many people living in the cities don’t have a garden, so the company now came up with a solution that will help these folks grow their tree. The Bios Incube comes with a sensor that detects the needs of the soil inside the Incube, measuring humidity and temperature and providing a unique watering system and sends all that data to your smartphone.

The hope that with their technology they can make this difficult period easier and provide comfort for families and friends.

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