Episode 75 - What If the Power Elites Were Right About JFK? (Conspirator #1, Part VIII)

2 months ago

For more content from Barry Jones, go to sphistory.com. In a clash between opposing worldviews, JFK represented the biggest threat to the American Empire that its gangsters of war had ever encountered. Not only was he an obstacle to the objectives of their national security apparatus (and their money spigots), he was an over-sexed, drugged-up paramour with treasonous intentions and cowardly tendencies. Somebody had to do the hard, but patriotic thing and remove this cancer from the Oval Office before his worldview prevailed. This was too important to leave to the American people. In a Cold War setting, he had to be dealt with like an enemy combatant would be dealt with, by force. This was the consensus view of the national security apparatus - the Joint Chiefs, the FBI, and the CIA. Were they right?

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