Joe Biden wants more gun laws, Johnny Cash was a good story teller, Drumstick Ice cream doesn't melt

9 months ago

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TV bloopers from attractiveclips9 on TikTok, so funny, I might watch more news if "they" left that stuff in 🤪

Joe Biden is again pushing for as many laws as possible to make it harder for Legal gun owners to have guns while everyone knows that none of it matters to the criminals that don't follow the law 🤡

A song and/or a story from Johnny Cash titled "The Man Comes Around" about God and Bible verses 😇

olliebubs09, Oliver Twist on TikTok posted a video with the caption "What are they putting in our food" talking about Drumstick ice cream cones NOT melting 🤮

It would be nice if all the "madness" stopped and We/The Human population were allowed to actually move into space and/or another realm of the flat Earth, whatever "they're" hiding 🤔

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