The Oasis Plan:Time to Eclipse the Malthusians!

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Though wars and rumors of wars cloud the world’s horizons, these things do not limit the human imagination. The electric response to the April 8 solar eclipse throughout North America, with tens of thousand gathering in Indianapolis, Dallas, Cleveland, and other cities in other Mexico and the United States, revealed the excitement about and thirst for understanding the way that the world really works.
In contrast to the carnage in Gaza and Ukraine, and the wretched priorities that value war production over scientific exploration, the LaRouche Organization’s founder, economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche insisted that physical economy was all about humanity mastering the laws of the universe, in an intelligible and reproducible form, not only to make people prosperous, but to discover and even advance the harmony of the universe itself.
The most important natural resource for the successful transformation of the universe known to us, is the human mind. Therefore, the destruction or elimination of people, through what Anglophile Bertrand Russell called “methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary,” is not only a crime against humanity and humanity’s potential—it is a crime against the the universe itself. The world, the universe, needs more people, and always will. Mankind, as scientist Kraft Ehricke observed, is charged with an {extra-terrestrial imperative} to spread life, human and non-human, to lifeless planets, solar systems and galaxies, and to discover and explore the different forms and possibilities of life that may exist in the billions of solar systems and, indeed, galaxies known to exist.
On the eve of the Schiller Institute’s April 13 conference, The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine and for All of Southwest Asia” Speakers Jason Ross and Robert Castle will discuss why optimism is a scientific principle, why the science of physical economy proves the human mind is the primary source of wealth in the universe, and why the Malthusian destruction of human life through war and other means is immoral, wasteful and a crime against both humanity and non-humanity .

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