Wikileaks is a Western Psyop

5 months ago

-Wikileaks was 'started by Chinese and Asian dissidents' in 2007
-It's primary targets in 2007 were 'governments in Asia, the former Soviet bloc and Africa'
-The current Wikileaks website lists only white westerners as its staff and contributors.
-Its 2007 FAQ page claims that Africa is malaria-ridden 'mainly due to gov't corruption'. And Britain and the US have less problems than Africa because their governments are less corrupt.
-Wikileaks is NOT a wiki, even though it claimed it would use the same software as Wikipedia in 2007.
-US intelligence launched a REAL wiki called Intellipedia in 2007. An internal wiki, shared between all 16 US spy agencies.
-Wikileaks claims to have stealth cyber security for its drop box, to ensure anonyminity for leakers. The drop box was created by 'an anonymous person'. He remains anonymous in 2024.
-Assange plead guilty to hacking into the US military's internal internet system in 1991 (among other US military installations). The judge cited Assange's young age as his rationale for not sentencing him to any prison time. Assange was 20 when arrested, and 25 when convicted.
- Wikileaks switched tactics in 2010, and focused on US war crimes, among other leaks of the US gov't apparatus. It actively promotes its leaks of US war crimes, and other leaks that do nothing to unmask the West's system of imperialist domination over the global south. They obscure the fact that: The Crime of an Unjust War > a War Crime Within an Unjust War

0:00 Chinese Dissidents Started Wikileaks in 2007
3:21 WL Initially Targeted Global South Governments
8:38 Wikileaks Advisory Board
12:15 CIA Launches Intellipedia in 2007
17:52 Cryptome Founder Says 'Wikileaks is a Fraud' 2007
31:20 Gov't Approved MSM's publishing of WikiLeaks' leaks
37:53 J. Young's 2010 FOIA Request on Wikileaks
42:01 Wikileaks' Faceless Era 2007-2009
43:45 Wikileaks' 2010 Transformation from Asian to White
57:30 Wikileaks Ignores Real Chinese Cyber-Dissidents in 2010
59:28 Wikileaks Said It's a Real Wiki in 2007
1:08:41 Quotes from WL Advisory Board 2009
1:31:37 Wikipedia owned Wikileaks' Web Domains until 2011
1:32:32 Ecuador Cuts Assange's Internet
1:39:18 Assange Hacked US Military 1991. No prison time.
1:42:21 Assange in London 2012-2024
1:51:57 Why Wikileaks Leaks About the US Gov't

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