10 months ago

The emf canopy in the video is a Swiss Shield Natural Ultra fabric. The quality is good for the suburbs and rural areas. If your in a city this will not help. The only option is to move. Even the 100% silver mesh canopies like Blocsilver won't decrease your exposure to 1 uW/m in a high radiated area. If you have a cell tower across the street from you moving is your only good option. I was in an apartment with 3 a stones throw away. I had a 100% nickel/copper mesh Faraday cage that I built to spec. Before 2018 the cage worked than they erected these towers on rooftops and the radiation went through the cage like a knife through warm butter. I had to move. Now I sleep again more than 2 hours a night. I actually dream again. The point is as society advances with this wireless and the rise in radiowave sickness we need to shield our homes and ourselves when we go out. I have 7 years of trial & error, building and buying and researching EMF to this day. I'm here to help with your designs as much as I can. I do consult work for myself in EMF remediation. That being said I won't endorse any product that wont work for me personally. So leave your questions below and I will get back to you within 24 hours. I have a full schedule now since many folks are feeling the effects of the radiation and need help. But I am also here to help you on your journey to recovery from EMF illnesses anyway I can .

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