Preventative Biological Fungicide for Fatal Fungal Plant Destroyer 04/11/2024

23 days ago

Preparing a batch of Preventative Biological Fungicide to pre-treat the pre-emergent Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, and Tomatillo seedlings. Early-Season Fungal Diseases have been a huge problem here for many years. The cool and wet, then warm and humid conditions are an absolute breeding ground for plant Diseases. First it will be "Damping Off" that kills some of the seedlings. Then it will be all forms of blight and bacterial diseases that start at the base of the plant. The disease will slowly progress up through the stem causing the plant to turn yellow, then slowly wither and die. Tomatoes and Squash are particularly susceptible to these fungal and bacterial diseases. Cucumbers, melons, and pumpkins can also get it. Other variations of the disease will literally cause the plant to wilt and turn to mush overnight. I've tried many less lethal organic remedies, such as baking soda, epsom salts, buttermilk, garlic spray, and cayenne pepper spray, with very little success. I also water the plants at the bottom only and try not to get any water on the leaves. Dirt splashing up onto the leaves can easily spread the disease even faster. Currently I am pre-treating with a commercial greenhouse grade Organic Fungicide called "RootGuard Plus". A little goes a long way at an application rate of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. If this doesn't work, I will consider dusting with Sulfur powder and/or a foliar application of Regalia to slow the inevitable progression of the disease.

Listening to Celeste Solum talk about her similar struggles with Fatal Fungal Disease and the Plant Destroyer:

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